“City to FC: Crisp and clean with honey, golden raisin, Comice pear.” -Sweet Maria’s

The initial taste has a clean, honey sweetness, however the finish lingers with a cacao bitterness, which does overpower the sweetness. The body is light with low acidity, but the mouthfeel has a definite juiciness to it.

As the cup cools, the crisp pear flavor is evident, and the juiciness is much bigger. The cacao bitterness has softened to a light cocoa, and the finish is more syrupy and the honey sweetness continues to linger with each sip.

This roast was done in the Gene Cafe roaster, with a heat setting of 460 degrees, for 16 minutes. First crack started approximately around 13:00 minutes and continued for almost two minutes. Cooling was done in the Gene, down to 215 degrees, and then removed and cooled in a colander until room temperature.