Apologies to everyone, I have been very busy with work, and have not been able to really sit down and enjoy any new beans. In anticipation of the past 2 months workload, I ordered in larger quantities last time, so it took longer to get through my supply before I could order new beans. Now that the end is in sight, I have seven new beans to try with this past order, so I am excited to share my thoughts on these new beans.
The first two that I have already roasted are Ethiopia Sidama Dereje Station and the Guatemala Proyecto Xinabajul – Costanza y Lopez. I tried to put them in the Full City region, however I did notice some coasting on the first batch, where it could have gone to Full City+, but I did account for it on the second batch, so I am expecting to get a good range of flavors from these two. The other beans include another from Guatemala, which has become my go to coffee for everyday cups. The lighter body and bright flavors help wake me up quickly, but don’t keep me from having another cup later in the day, which has been necessary lately with work.
So, here is the rest of the list, and I will be getting to them soon!
- Guatemala Antigua – Cabrejo Invernadero
- Costa Rica Familia Bonita
- Kenya Kirinyaga Kamwangi AB
- Nicaragua Fina Buenos Aires Caturra #488
- Sulawesi Bone-Bone Village